An Introduction to Chatbot Creation

So, you’re interested in creating a chatbot. We don’t need to know why – and frankly – we don’t want to know why. Over the past decade, interest in chatbots has increased, but due to the current limitations of technology, some of the A.I. industry’s greatest minds still can’t simulate realistic human consciousness. There are certain qualities of organic life that can’t be recreated using chips and algorithms. Artificial Intelligence has no real perception of memory, nor can it share interesting and unique anecdotes about its own experience. That’s because we are expecting Artificial Intelligence to mimic human life, rather than classifying it as its own form of life, with its own idiosyncrasies, advantages and shortcomings. It is one of the mankind’s hubristic functions, to see reflections of ourselves on other lifeforms.

But in many ways, Artificial Intelligence learns like a baby – in that its knowledge and skill comes from other humans. But our impatience towards Artificial Intelligence often forgets to take into account that a normal human being takes up to twenty-five years to complete their cognitive development. A brand new chatbot is a lot like a baby; in that it has no social or cultural point of reference at first, and will be shaped according to its care and experience, until it evolves into a comprehensive system. Treating a new chatbot like a baby is also a therapeutic exercise for the creator, who will benefit from social structure when teaching their bot to respond to queries. For instance, a parent would most likely start by teaching a child the fundamentals of language: greetings, pleasantries, numbers and names – and one of the first things a human child is bound to understand, is the identity of their parents.

Once the child has a basic understanding of their world, and is able to communicate their understanding through language (i.e. “mum”, “dad”, “food”), then we see even our own languages are fairly systematic, and our teaching techniques can be transferred to improving a chatbot’s database of knowledge. Once a chatbot’s vocabulary is adequately furnished, it may even come to appear as though it is answering autonomously – provided it is programmed with multiple responses to choose from.

Chatbots have existed for more than a decade, and the concept of social artificial intelligence spans back as early as the 1950s. But the exact purpose of artificial intelligence; including chatbots, has not yet been clarified, and so the possibilities are essentially infinite. Through multiple tests and experiments, a couple of key purposes have been identified by the users of As it turns out, chatbots are quite useful when applied to the following instances:

– Commercial
– Teaching and Education
– Experimentation, Surveys and Research
– Projects
– Entertainment

We are constantly looking for new and exciting ways to advance our product here at botmake, so why don’t you give it a try?